Netherway Workshop

Branding, Illustration, Product Design, Packaging, Animation

The creative outlet that let's me explore new techniques and practices I wouldn't get to have fun with on a day-to-day. I see it as an opportunity to experiment with new technology like augmented reality, 3D design, packaging engineering, social media features, and animation plugins.

The Side Hustle

We passed our third year in business and are always looking to improve on our quality and push our creative to the next level.

Enamel Pins

The main product is enamel pins, which we produce directly with a manufacturer. This requires very clear upfront communication and specifications with each design, but we're thrilled with how our collection of illustrations has become awesome tangible objects!

The Process

Typically, our designs start out life as a very rough doodle on a piece of scrap paper. From the initial idea, they are refined with a bit of hopping back and fourth between digital and pencil/paper - with some of the finer details being sussed out before final production. 

Animated Social Posts

Instagram is a great testing ground to try out new animation techniques and see what resonates with an audience in regards to content and timing. I find myself taking a lot of these learning's and applying them to my full-time job.

Branded Messaging

2D Animation

Stop Motion


Ticketmaster Summit


Ticketmater Social Content