PlayVS Marketing

Branding, Social, Email, Animation

Initiatives to bring new players and coaches to our platform, while retaining and improving the experience for everyone currently involved.

Enrollment Marketing

Months before the start of the Fall or Spring esports seasons we start sending messaging to new and returning coaches, faculty and administration to build excitement and drive enrollments prior to the deadline.

I worked with the CS, Sales and Marketing and Product teams to plan the cadence, content and visual style. We review previous campaigns to improve on performance and experiment with messaging, target audiences and content.

With this latest campaign series we were able to raise the average unique open rate to 41% and average unique click through rate to 5%.

Game Title

I developed templates to help expedite new game announcements, and work universally within game publishers creative guidelines for their intellectual properties.

Assets would rollout through our product and website, externally on social and communication channels like email and discord.

Initial announcements were often limited to a few pieces of key art, and it’s a fine line to tread overwhelming our partners brand with our own.

Game publishers all have different levels of creative approval complexities, and we tried our best to establish a process that would work well across the board.

Webinar Deck Design

I established the visual style for a new presentation template that would be used both internally and externally, as a “one size fits all solution” for any and all decks.

I wanted to incorporate player and coach photography heavily and include elements from our partner IPs and gaming culture to better reflect the personality and experience PlayVS brings to the table.


Pedego Electric Bikes