Pedego Electric Bikes

Branding, Print/Production, Packaging, Web Design, Animation

I worked at Pedego Electric Bikes for almost 3 years, and during that time I oversaw and developed the visual brand into it's current form. During my time I saw the number of independent dealers rise from roughly 30 to 60, and with that came needs of promotional materials and custom branded solutions for each store. The product line of the company expanded from roughly 8 bikes to 13 and at the end of my time there I was part of introducing various branded campaigns and promotions which help tout the companies excellent customer service.

Marketing Print Items

Most of my work at Pedego was focused on the printed marketing materials, which would update every year with new bike models. These materials would get shipped out to the 60+ Pedego stores nationwide to assist in sales and product education. It was part of my job to negotiate and maintain printer/production relationships and keep an eye on budget

Alongside the more standardized selection of catalogues, product trifolds and rack cards were the customized templates which each store could adapt their own. Business cards, tour trifolds, hotel rack cards, coupons and flyers were all available to stores to customize on-demand.

Towards the end of my time there was a vested interested in franchising out more store opportunities to semi-retired baby boomers, looking to get away from the corporate life, so a slew of marketing materials were developed to inform potential store owners about the opportunity Pedego has.

Promotional Print Items

I established and created guidelines for additional marketing materials that stores would often request for events/tradeshows, and the ever-popular van graphic.


When I first started at Pedego, they had just managed to convince all of their independent dealers to return their domains and sites to control of the company, so throughout my time there was constant focus to improve and unify what was a disjointed brand. Thankfully, with the herculean task of getting back control over their sites we could start to build out templates and direct traffic through our main site.

Packaging & Accessories

Along with all the marketing materials, I was also tasked with the other side of print production - packaging and product. User manuals for all 13+ different bikes, and developing a consistent format between them all.

Social Media

Along with the standard social media posts (holidays and whatnot), I was given the opportunity to start implementing animation into some of creative, which really led me down my current career path.


Ticketmater Social Content


PlayVS Marketing (Copy)