Artist Milestone Awards

Starting with music tours concluding in 2019, Ticketmaster wanted to highlight and celebrate the accomplishments of artists and the joy they brought to so many fans around the world. We brought back this campaign in 2020, expanding it to even more artists, and focusing on the impact fans had in making these awards possible.

Props to Natalie Huynh for the amazing 3D work:

Artist Social

For the 2020 campaign, we focused on deliverables for the artists to post on their own social channels, and changed the visuals of the creative to have a more elegant look and feel. 

Award Design

The design of the award fluctuated a lot, and we were constantly being kept in check by what was practical, feasible and luxurious enough to present as an award, while still remaining within a reasonable budget to send multiple copies to members of the band and management.


Ticketmaster Brand Architecture


My Best Friend's Game