Ticketmaster Brand Architecture

Branding, Logo Design

With Ticketmaster's recent consumer facing rebrand, the business facing side of the company offerings was left a bit dated and fractured with the introduction of new services and a plan for the organization of the separate entities.

It was decided that the 5 business offerings would live under the parent brand of "Premium Services", but would need a consistent visual language that could both live on it's own and work together as an overall system - with the possibility of applying the same system to future offerings and services that would fall under the parent brand.

A Much Needed Refresh

While visually consistent, the previous set of logos and iconography was reminiscent of the early 2000s Ticketmaster branding with the "baby blue" and accompanying secondary colors, along with a dated typographic style.

With our shift to a more digital first, saturated color scheme and new typographic standards the old logos didn't really belong with the new Ticketmaster brand identity. There was also no plan or consideration for new logos to developed for emerging services like Virtual Venue.

Typographic System

I created a variety of options which explored utilizing all available brand fonts and experimented with different lockups, containers, icons or standalone typography.

With feedback from the larger organization it was decided to use our new brand typeface, Averta. I settled on a light-medium weight version of the font and tied it back into our Ticketmaster logo by stylizing the 'e' letters to have notches removed.

Iconography System

It was decided fairly early on that in order for each property to stand on it's own, it would need an icon or mark to live alongside the typographic treatment. With the "by Ticketmaster" line removed, these elements would need to represent the brand as a whole, while also personifying the features and of each service.


Using the established grid, rounded corner guide and simple geometric shapes I set out in creating icons that represented each service.

I worked with my creative director and stakeholders to lead and hone in on what best represented each service over of a series of check-ins and review sessions that lasted a few months. Most successful icons blended 3D and 2D and often had a sense of "impossible" - to showcase how far our technology and services push the limits. And often represented multiple ideas or concepts and could broadly be interpreted.


Selected icons would then have additional details added into them and given a broader sense of character and dimensionality by applying a rounded corner treatment to open ends, and cutting the interior curves and angles to give the icons depth and visual intrigue. The final touch was adding in the gradient system to highlight and define the extra added details.

An Extension of Color

Expanding upon the newly developed color palette for the Ticketmaster brand, I created additional swatches that helped fill in some of the visual gaps which allowed me to create a system of gradients I could apply to the iconography.

I tried to find a balance between the highly saturated brand colors while keeping things grounded and softened - trying not to draw eyes to certain areas too much.

Marketing solutions is a very broad offering - where essentially anything your company needs help figuring out in the realm of marketing - Ticketmaster will hook you up with an agency or partner to make that happen, and figure out a solution.

The icon represents the foundation of marketing with the upper and lower funnels intersecting in the middle (the solution to the problem). The rounded triangle elements also remind us of data and metrics - how those are often presented in chart and circle graph form.

Pricemaster can automatically adjust ticket prices based on fluctuations in demand and comparisons to similar events - allowing companies and artists to have full control over their ticket prices.

The icon reflects the ebb and flow nature of supply/demand while maintaining an overall balance. It represents the way historical data is presented in the form of a line graph.

Live Analytics is Ticketmaster's vault of customer data in relation to live event marketing. With this offering, companies and artists are able to access a wealth of information regarding their clients and fans.

This icon is all about the user. With the lighter blue color we can see the shape of a user's head and shoulders, while the outer blue halo could represent a selection or targeting that would be applied to specific user groups.

Nexus is practical solutions to ticketing problems, which could be in the form of analytics & business intelligence, point of sale and loyalty programs, mobile ticketing, and entry and venue operations.

The intertwined circles represent the all encompassing solutions that Nexus incorporates to create a fully closed loop - a harmonious and balanced function. Plus it looks like an 'x'. 

Virtual Venue allows customers, fans and live event go-ers to experience their potential seat purchases in a fully immersive 360 degree viewable experience. A game changer that'll make sure you'll never be stuck behind a pylon or obstruction ever again.

The icon pulls in familiar elements of a waypoint or pin-drop that we would see on a map, and surrounds it with a mind bending loop - representing the three dimensional aspect of the tool.


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